Save Our lead Shot

Liz Truss to john Swift after the LAG recommendations for a total lead ban. July 2016

"In both instances – human health and wildlife – the report did not show that the impacts of lead ammunition were significant enough to justify changing current policy; we therefore do not accept your recommendation to ban the use of lead ammunition. "

The same must be true for today.

Items for sale

We have a number of item form sale to raise money for the campaign. I hope they are all useful items you can use in the field. We have Hats, Mugs and Badges, more items will be added later.   Just go onto Ebay and type in "save our lead shot" in the search box and the items will come up.

Email from Lyalvale Express



Following our statement of the 28th February, we confirm that Lyalvale Express stands firm on all points.

Lyalvale Express were made aware to the announcement in the form of a single email over the weekend from the GTA. This is not consultation, with the statement already written and signed.

We have had No conversation with BASC or any of the other 8 organisations over the voluntary phasing out of lead shot and plastic wads. Any claim of this is simply untrue.

Lyalvale Express for over 30 years have been manufacturing shotgun cartridges, the expertise and experience in manufacturing the finest cartridges has provided us with a wealth of knowledge and expertise. We would have been pleased to have had opportunity to give help on the issue if we had been consulted.

We continue the task of improvement and development of alternative products benefiting the industry, sport and shooters alike.

We trust that this clarifies any remaining uncertainty regarding Lyalvale Express’s involvement.

Friday 6th March 2020

The Lead Ammunintion Group

All our leading shooting organisations have sign up to a voluntary lead ban starting this year [2020] they hope to have all of us give up lead shot. However they seem to have forgotten that the Lead Ammunition Group set up by the government meet for 6 years and could not come to an agreement so the Government did not accept the LAG recommendation for a lead ban.

Four key paragraphs in the Liz Truss letter to John Swift:

Following receipt of your report, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) sought independent scientific advice from the Committee on Toxicity about the human health risk assessment within it. This advice, which has been in place since 2012, States:

‘To minimise the risk of lead intake, people who frequently eat lead-shot game, particularly small game, should cut down their consumption. This advice is especially important for vulnerable groups such as toddlers and children, pregnant woman and woman trying to have a baby’.

With regard to the impact of lead ammunition on wildlife, we note that the report does not provide evidence of causation linking possible imparts of lead ammunition with sizes of bird populations in England.

In both instances – human health and wildlife – the report did not show that the impacts of lead ammunition were significant enough to justify changing current policy; we therefore do not accept your recommendation to ban the use of lead ammunition.

Save Our lead Shot Badges

To show your support and help raise funds to fight this lead ban please become an agent for the campaign and sell the Save Our lead Shot badges.

The Badges are £2 each, the cost of the badge is £1 each with £1 donation to the the save our lead shot campaign.

Save Our lead Shot badges on Ebay

The badges are sold in 10's for £20 with free postage plus a Campaign Agent badge for yourself.

Sell the badges to your fields and you can always get more.

Save Our lead Shot badges for sale on ebay.

Just type in "save our lead shot" into the search box on ebay or link on the link below.

Badges are sold in 10's with free postage. Sell them to friends and get your money back. Badges cost £2 each [£1 for the badge and £1 donation to the campaign. You can buy more then one lot of 10's and thank you for your help. Every campaign agent will get they own campaign agent badge.  

Save Our lead Shot badges on Ebay